Supervision DHCP 📊💻 My Educational Projects

Project diagram with a supervision server, two DHCP servers connected to the supervision server, and individually connected to two machines


Supervision of DHCP server configurations from the central server
Using a Python program and the Fabric module, which allows SSH connections and remote command execution, I was able to set up a simple solution to monitor DHCP configuration files in order to add a new device to the network or remove an existing one.

What It Brought Me

This project is comprehensive as it provides an excellent approach to what system administration entails.
It introduced me to a new Python module that is extremely useful for many other purposes. Through almost complete understanding of how DHCP configuration files work, this project allowed me to grasp the purpose of implementing monitoring solutions in enterprises.

PDF Explanations

➵ General Presentation of the Project

➵ My Supervision Solution


Modified le 19/03/2024